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Associate Churches

Who the TCOTLJC(Hq) is and who we become is of the uttermost importance to us.  Our faith, our work-or the lack thereof, has a direct impact upon souls, upon generations, upon churches, upon nations and even the understanding we give about God.

TCOTLJC is one of God’s instruments to reach the lost.  This is why we are building our energies and resources to pour into developing and planting healthy and vibrant communities of faith.  This partnership will give people of varying faiths the opportunity to work together in unity as we experience how God works to enrich the lives of others and deepen our commitment to Christ.

The Beauty of Partnerships

We believe that working together to advance the mission of Christ is the will of God.  All sorts of networks have partnerships, why not the people who have a plan to work together for Christ. We understand the diversity in the concepts of denominations; but the word of God we all use, fundamentally speak the same principles.  There is a beauty to be found in a partnership that is mutually beneficial.  We get to become acquainted

with one another, develop new relationships, and see that it is about allowing the spirit of God to operate freely, while we find additional arms of support in times of need.  We must learn that God called us to be helpers of one another.  When two or more agree in the presence of our Lord, the holy spirit comes in the midst and gives us instruction and wisdom.  We have that assurance of his word.

The Missing Piece is You

Why Become A Partner?  Becoming a partner with TCOTLJC(Hq) strengthens our natural and spiritual efforts.  We ask you to partner with us and together we can make a difference in our local communities and around the world.

Make the decision to become a partner with us now


While we could develop levels of partnership amounts for you to commit too, we decided to allow you to pick an amount that God puts on your heart, that you can comfortably commit too each month.  We trust God to always provides for his work.

When you partner with us your investment will help us minister the message locally and across the nation.  You will be a part of all the people we touch with the ministry and God accredits that to your account in heaven.  Next, You can receive faith building instructions and teachings that will expand your capacity to believe.  Your partnership will make it possible to expand the ministry through the use of the latest technology, and other venues.  And, your partnership will make it possible for us to be actively involved in emergency and mission efforts worldwide.

Then contact us to process your information, payment and discuss your local church needs and what roles your church would like to play in the partnership.  Then, based on skill set and capacity, we will develop a collaborative and personalized benefit package for you.


We chose this method because we feel that all are created equal, but all do not have the same amount of resources, but can benefit by being in partnership with others.  We want you to partner with us.  We trust your honesty in your heart and in Christ.

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